Minggu, 03 April 2011

Update: Nasty Rachael

I woke up on the right side of the bed today, and decided to do a good deed for someone less fortunate than myself.  Nasty Rachael, this is your lucky day.  I've elected to remove both the link to Nasty Rachael's blog, and the unattractive pictures of her.   The commentary will remain, because it showcases my intellect and sense of humor beautifully.   If Nasty Rachael returns to my blog, and continues polluting my blog with arrogance,  four letter expletives, and personal attacks,  the pictures and link will return.

Nasty Rachael became enraged when, on The Chive, I posted a comment disagreeing with the implication that Fat Gina, as I call her, is hot.  I said, "No! I will not stand for this!  The Chive has been an important part of my life for several years now, and I will not stand idly by and watch The Chive ruin it's reputation in such a way!".... Rachael disagrees with me. 

Here is some of our back and fourth banter.  Notice that Nasty Rachael has anger issues.

Rachael said...
I completely disagree. You are neither witty, nor "hot." I think you are rude and pompous. It is one thing to say someone is unattractive and move on. This is NOT what you did. You made a point to comment on as many of the responses featuring Gina's photos as possibe and mention how "fat" and "buttery" (buttery, really? wtf...) she is. It is absolutely NOT a matter of people being offended because what you are bitching about is not actual "fact." What it is, is people being outraged by what an irritating ass you are in your attempts to goad everyone else into responding to your comments about how "so-and-so" is so hideous and you are so much better. On that note, I'm not sure why you seem to think that you are so much more intelligent than everyone. At least half of your arguments are completely unsubstantiated and nonsensical. You seem to think that if you string together a few multi-syllabic words that in some way makes you seem "smart," but to those of us who actually are, it just further demonstrates your naivety to your own circumstances. Also, your spelling is atrocious. You are clearly a very insecure individual, as you have multiple blogs seemingly dedicated to calling other people out on being ugly. Additionally, your consistent insistence that you are ultra attractive corroborates this notion. I truly feel bad for you. And, because I know you haven't gathered this yet, I am NOT saying you are not allowed to call people ugly or have your own opinion on things that differs from the majority. What I AM saying is that you don't have you be such a raging cunt about it :)
Anonymous said...
Go away you troll and get your bangs cut so they will cover up your peyton manning forehead and leave that beautiful Gina alone! MOAR GINA NO MORE CHERYL "BITCH" BIRCH !!!
delicious.pumpkin said...
Rachel, I found your comment marked as spam, and I elected to remove it from "Spam" and allow it to be published. I believe in freedom of speech, and I intend for all opinions to be shared. You, on the other hand, seem to be very bothered by my opinion, which is, that Fat Gina is fat. Facts have nothing to do with whether or not Gina is attractive. The answer to this is subjective. I never intended to imply (or "insist") that I am "ultra attractive". I did, however intend to point out Fat Gina's obvious flaws. This is also subjective, and in no way factual. One fact to note however, is the fact that nearly all of my facial features are considered to be desirable, and nearly all of Fat Gina's facial features look like something I left in the toilet this morning. I am not intelligent because I string together multi-syllabic words. There is a brilliant brain that sits behind my "fivehead". I tend to get wasted and share my opinions, so either I missed something, or you missed something, but my spelling is hardly "atrocious". With modern spell check, it is nearly impossible to have "atrocious" spelling, even while highly intoxicated. Aside from my childish accusations that people in disagreement with me were probably "fatties", I do not understand what I've said that makes me a "c*nt". I am becoming extremely bored of this argument. Refer back to my previous comments for any further hate fuel.
Rachael said...
And, after all that you managed to STILL not comprehend my argument, despite me attempting to make it blatantly obvious with the last few sentences of my post. I'm not sure how I can make it more clear... I specifically said that people arguing with you has NOTHING to do with fact. I'm sorry you still couldn't grasp that. On the subject of "facts," the "fact" that you have desirable facial features and someone else does not is NOT a fact. It is positively 100% an opinion. I'm not sure how you can't see that. AGAIN, let me reiterate, YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SHARE YOUR OPINION. I was NOT advocating for you to keep your opinions to yourself. What I was saying, is that it is one thing to give your opinion and move on, but you, on the other hand, sought out each and every post you could to respond to in a more than negative manner. Additionally, it is extremely hard to believe that you "didn't intend to imply that you were ultra attractive." You absolutely did much more than imply. You attempted to try to convince just about everyone by insisting they click on your pictures, etc. As for your spelling, if you would like me to point out MULTIPLE egregious errors I have seen on The Chive and on your blog DESPITE the availability of spell check, I could. For instance, on this post: "Philedalphia" is in actuality spelled, "Philadelphia. As for something I saw posted on The Chive, its is not the "Milkeyway Galaxy," it is the "Milky Way." As for your Fergie post a few down, its is "perform," not "preform." Want more? And yes, your "childish accusations" that those who argue with you are fat, ugly, and stupid absolutely are what makes you a "cunt."
delicious.pumpkin said...
The reason that I respond to all of the comments is because every time someone comments on one of my comments, I receive an email from Intense Debates notifying me that someone has commented on my comment. I have asked people at The Chive to stop commenting, because my e-mail in box is becoming quite full, and I am lazy about emptying it. Those spelling errors are hardly "atrocious". I am positive that you Googled those. You are so angry. Stop being angry. You've made statements toward me that are so angry, and I don't understand why you are being such a hater. The fact that you have researched my blog, and my spelling errors, indicates to me that you believe that I am, in some way, relevant. I assure you that I am a highly irrelevant person. You have repeatedly viewed and commented on my blog. Stop stalking me. Believe it or not, I am a person of little importance, and my opinions should be ignored. Why are you unable to ignore my opinions??? Does someone have a crush on me???? I know this act! I remember it from elementary school! Teasing and bullying the girl that you have a crush on is not an effective form of flirting as an adult. - I love you, Baby! Talk to you soon! Cheryl "Bitch"
Rachael said...
And so now you have realized that you have lost the argument and are devolving into an immature child. As a straight female with a boyfriend who has shown nothing but distaste for you, it is truly ridiculous to imply that I have a crush on you, something I'm sure you know. I assure you I did not google any of those spelling errors. They are common knowledge. One is a very highly populated U.S. city and one is the galaxy we reside in... And considering how much you were pimping your blog on The Chive, and literally begging people to come and challenge you on your blog, I would hardly call it stalking. And, I would also suggest that your behavior illustrates that you don't want ANY of your opinions to be ignored. Only now that you are losing ground in the argument do you wish your opinions to be disregarded. I am not even a little angry. I am simply giving you a taste of your own medicine. I am absolutely "hating" on you. Much like you were doing to multiple others. You seem to believe that only you are allowed to share harsh opinions on others. This is how it feels when you push it too far. You are 100% relevant to the comments you leave.
delicious.pumpkin said...
You are a pesky one, aren't you? The spelling of Philadelphia is in no way "common knowledge". Stand at a bus stop, and ask thirty people to spell Philadelphia, and I promise you, there will be many errors. I am not saying that my mistake was warranted, because I should have know how to spell Philadelphia. I am, however, saying that Americans are falling short in the game of Intelligence. I am very aware that, as far as this debate is concerned, I am winning. I am so bored of this topic. My opinion will not change, and neither will yours. It is obvious that you are obsessed with me at this point. If you post another comment on my blog, I will continue to suggest that you have a crush on me... And, a battery powered, cylindrical device is not a "boyfriend". Stop encouraging me. If you want me to stop sharing my valid personal opinions, stop commenting. Initially, I thought that you were a mature adult, who had a moderately respectable blog about food. It is now clear to me that I am interacting with someone who forgot to take her meds. -Talk to you later, Love!!! Cheryl "Bitch" -ps, the Prozac is in the night stand, second drawer down :)

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