Going-Natural: How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair
Editorial Reviews
By Joyce Toni Oliver's
Good things come in small packages! This is the best little book on natural hair care that I have ever read, and believe me I have read quite a few. Most others talk about weave care and perm care, and other products and processes that have no health value at all, but are, in reality, the root cause of hair breakage and other Black hair care problems. This book succintly lists hair care ingredients to avoid and those to incorporate. It explains in plain and simple language why various products are damaging to Black hair and Black health. Websites are also provided for updated information and to further the discussion on health and hair. Kudos to Mirielle! Never before has anyone de-mystified and simplified Black hair care from perspective of health and natural beauty. --amazon.com
A Must Have For All Naturals, By S. D. Bledsoe
A fantastic reference guide to caring for natural hair and full of good advice and natural hair "recipes." I've fallen in love with the recipe for moisturizing spray. It utilizes inexpensive ingredients, (distilled water, vegetable glycerin, and aloe vera juice) but it works much better on my hair than most commercial products.
The book also shows the variety of hair styling options available to naturals; too many of us think we are limited to a TWA or locks.
Finally, it is refreshing to find a book on natural hair care in which the models are truly "natural," and not sporting weaves and/or texturizers. This allowed me to make a realistic assessment of how a finished style will look on my hair. I only wish that I had this book while I was transitioning. --amazon.com
Hair Bible, By L. Penny
I have to say that for someone that didn't have no one to go to about my natural kinks, I was so happy when I recieved this book. I call it my hair bible because I feel like it has given me hope for my hair. I'm still learning what to do with it and how it can be neat and healthy at the same time but this book has definitely help me through my journey. I was natural for 2 yrs when I got this book and I'm so happy I bought it. It was worth my 12 dollars. Every penny :) --amazon.com
Product Description
Have you ever considered going natural but thought it would be too hard? Try Going-Natural!
Many of us are alienated from our stigmatized coils and have no clue what to do with our nappy hair.
This book helps you reacquaint with your natural naps and shows you how to grow out a perm. But more than that, this book makes a joy out of what you thought would be a difficult journey.
Find out
~ The best way for you to go natural
~ How to enjoy your journey
~ Why your hair is breaking
~ The basics of natural hair styling
~ How to grow and groom natural hair.
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